8 07, 2016

How To Make Content King

By |2019-01-30T21:20:49+00:00July 8th, 2016|Content, Blog, SEO, Website Design|0 Comments

So How Do You Make Content King?

If there is one thing we haven’t talked about enough, its Content. Get it right and not only will Google love you but your readers as well. But how do you get it right? How do you make content king?

Before you begin, you need to understand what you are trying to achieve with each piece of content. Web form sign-ups, leads, sales conversions, or just for impressions (users viewing without taking any action). Once this has been established you can then start to understand how to make content king.

1. Using Resources To Your Advantage

Creating content from scratch is not easy, I think we can all agree on that. But the process can be made easier by looking at the vast wealth of resources available to you online.

One great resource to use is This tool enables you to enter any keywords you can imagine and get multiple different results. Including visual graphs/data based on questions, prepositions and alphabetical results of the keyword input. The reason this is a great tool is because it gives you insights into what people are looking for in relation to the search query. If you are struggling for ideas, I would give this website a try.

There also many other keyword tools that you may find useful. For example Google’s Keyword Planner and Ü These are great tools in their own right and if you want more information on them and others, I wrote an article on the Best keyword research tools which you can check out here.

Depending on the industry you are in there is usually a forum for it. Use these to your advantage as they can be a goldmine for discovering about the current state and questions being asked within your chosen industry. Therefore providing some great ideas for content and giving you a platform to become an authority in your niche.

Whatever industry you are in, it is wise to keep abreast of the latest information and set the trend. Remember to put the wealth of resources available to good use.

2. Search Engine Optimised Content Is The Best Kind Of Content

This is absolutely key if you intend your target audience to discover the website. Especially now Google cares about content more than ever. Not only do it’s algorithms like a well optimised page, but now more than ever, the uniqueness and length of content when determining where it will rank the page on the search results.

Depending on what website platform is used, how you optimise content may differ platform-to-platform but the principle still remains.

Lets say for instance the platform being used is WordPress. This platform does a good job of giving you the tools to optimise pages effectively without the need for plugins. But to truly benefit your website, it is ideal to download one of the numerous SEO plugins available. My recommendation is Yoast SEO.

Yoast is a fantastic plugin for streamlining the SEO process and making it easy for content writers to optimise what they have written. Once you have picked a focus keyword for the particular page, the content will be analysed against different criteria. These range from the keyword density, to making sure the focus keyword is used in the page title and meta description. The plugin gives you ratings of red, amber and green based on how well the page is optimised, so the more in the green the better.

3. Now All That’s Done, How Do You Get Conversions From The Content?

This goes back to the first point I made, about what you want to achieve with each piece of content. Many ideas can be considered a conversion, it then comes down to if your content is compelling enough for the reader to take action. It’s great having well optimised content that is bringing in a wealth of organic traffic, but what is the point if no one is taking the intended action at the end of it.

There are many different ways to optimise content to improve conversions, it’s just a matter of understanding what your conversion rates currently are. This way you can decide where an area may need improving. For instance split-testing (splitting the traffic to multiple pages) is a great feature that enables you to test e.g. two different images or two different headers to see which one performs better with users. This way you can analyse the data and make decisions for the betterment of the content and overall conversions for the business.

Of course this isn’t something that will improve over night, it requires constant testing and refinement to start seeing an optimised conversion rate.


The ultimate goal of a business is to gain conversions at a sustainable pace to succeed and online is no different. There is so much content out there for so many different niches, it makes it a really difficult place to shout and get noticed. But if you take the time to discover the next best topics and how to make content king, then the final goal of consistent conversions will be truly attainable.

26 05, 2016

Essential Elements Of Great Website Design

By |2019-01-30T21:20:50+00:00May 26th, 2016|Design, Branding, PPC, SEO, Training, Website Design|0 Comments

Essential Elements Of Great Website Design In 5 Minutes Without The Sweat And Tears

First impressions are everything and you never get a second chance with website design. Your homepage should stand out from first site. Your website should encourage users to dwell more, click further and continue exploring. We have collected our thoughts here at Digital Web World on some of the key elements of great website design and have shared these for you.

Create A Killer Headline (And Sub-Headline)

You only have literally seconds to make the first impression with your headline. It should give the viewer a clear idea of the subject of the page they are about to read/view.

Clear enticing headlines pulling the viewer into the Webpage, clearing Sub-headlines to give you a chance to share more information about what you do and offer.

Here is a top tip for creating Killer headlines instantly. Think about writing headlines for Web, blogs etc in this format.

What the customer wants + In a time period + killing the objection.

So for example great headlines are offering the viewer something that is relevant within a time period say 3 minutes or 30 days, whatever the time period is.
The killer objections are defusing the normal objections you will get from any person viewing

Here are a few examples.

  • Totally Clear Skin in less than 90 days without the use of drugs.
  • Become a Web Designer in 3 months by studying only 1 hour per day.
  • You can make £300 per day with just one hour per week of time without expensive Web tools.

Remember the offer comes first in your Website landing page headline.

Second top tip is to limit the use of ‘best ever’, ‘most popular’, ‘greatest ever’, all of this is considered rubbish for the viewer of your webpage who will read every day. Try being accurate with data that supports claims ‘3x as effective’ works a lot better in text.

The Most Important Design Element – Your Visual Hierarchy

Most people like images (or videos), they are simple to digest and help to get across a message without the need for words. Think about what your business objectives are. What solutions are you selling to customers problems? Make sure that the visuals on the page are viewed in a hierarchy. 1, 2, 3, 4 etc placing a number against the visual that is most striking on your website. 

Do it now?

Look at the following image and place a number against the visual hierarchy on the page.

Diagram Showing the Design to the Golden Ratio! very similar to the Fibonacci Sequence

The Golden Ratio is very similar in its Fibonacci Sequence and describes the rule of thirds for great Website Design, but is also applicable to design in general.

The Golden Ratio

Also proportioned to 1.618* the Golden ratio is a statement on design proportions which has been designed into great aesthetically pleasing design for well over 3,000 years. The principle is based on a rectangle whose ratio of the longer side to the shorter side is 1.618. The classic view of this is the Pantheon in Athens where the design can be applied to the building of the Pantheon in its form.

This same principle is now used by many designers most notably in the designing of Twitter where you have probably received this notification from.

Display images of the office you work in or create a short video that showcases what the business does and/or the products/services you offer. Try and place these at the top of the page (or if not, anywhere above the fold works well) as people will want to see some visual elements when they first enter on a page.

Call To Action (Sometimes Referred To As Fitts’s Law)

Each page on the website should have a compelling call-to-action that draws the user to a conversion. For example, linking to a page where you can make a purchase or including a sign up form built into the page). This also benefits SEO in a great way because you will be interlinking between pages, giving authority to pages that may not get enough traffic otherwise.

However there is a designer ‘law’ that determines the size of the button’s that decides on the priority of the buttons. This priority ’size’ is purely to get the user to take action, more specifically a ‘call to action’. This is called Fitts’s law and stipulates that the time required to take that call to action e.g. hit that call action button, is a function of the distance from where the mouse currently is to the button and the size of the respective button. So the larger the object from where your mouse currently is and your eyes are. Fitts’s law follows a logarithm and therefore is a curve and not a straight line, so overdosing the size of a button will equally have a detrimental effect on its use. 

The proportion of button size is equally important and should therefore be larger for the actions you want a viewer to take.

The ‘Law’ of Choice

Choice is good right?

…Well to a point it is, but if the choice becomes too great on a Website you will cause paralysis of the viewer. They will simply have too many options to choose from and they will become paralysed by choice. So how do you know what is the correct number of choices?

Well you don’t, but you can make it easier for the viewer by providing filters to enable them to change what they are selecting and help them narrow down the choice. This self selecting use of menus is the best option. Limit the number of options and get the customers to eliminate by the use of filters.

Testimonials And Portfolios

Having case studies from real clients gives your website a huge boost in terms of creating trust. It’s a good idea to show off your portfolio and any short, written testimonials from previous customers on the homepage. Make sure examples in the portfolio include a lot of information and images, so potential clients get an idea of what you could do for them.

Put a name and image to testimonials as well (with consent of the individual of course).


The crux of any website, visitors need to be able to access different areas of the website with ease. Include primary, secondary and tertiary drop down menus as necessary and create compelling headers so users will be interested and know what they are clicking on.

Visibility is key for a website and users should be able discover what they are looking without hardly any efforts.


You need to slowly build up trust with viewers before they will decide on whether to make purchase or not. One way of building this relationship is to include resources on certain pages where they can learn more and make an informed decision, statistically speaking after the 5th visit.


Show off any awards or badges you have earned on your website. These can include SSL badges, website security and recognized partner badges (like Google, Bing, BIMA or RAR+ awards, if you are an agency for example).

This shows credibility trustworthiness in your field in addition to any testimonials that you may receive.

So in summary:

  1. Use Visual Hierarchy – build using this key principle.
  2. Create Killer Headlines that show off your offers.
  3. Use the Fibonacci sequence and the Golden Rule.
  4. Call to Action and Fitts’s Law.
  5. Law of Choice remember to use filters to get your viewer to narrow down their choices.
  6. Testimonials and Case Studies – make sure you have some.
  7. FREE Resources – make some resources free on your Website.
  8. Recognition – show off your credentials.

Your website is a Funnel and the home page is the beginning of that journey. According to an excellent article first published by Affiliate Marketing back in 2015: dwell time on a Website if under 30 seconds is considered awful anything up to 2 minutes is considered Average and anything over 2 minutes is considered outstanding. How good is yours ?

We know that the end of the funnel occurs when the user has gone through the whole process and made a purchase or signed-up to the mailing list. Your design objective has been achieved when your user has completed your objective.  The user experience and the objective for the page will be aligned. Remember this when utilising these essential elements of great website design.

17 05, 2016

How To Do Keyword Research In 2016

By |2017-01-24T11:35:17+00:00May 17th, 2016|Keyword Research, AdWords, Keywords, PPC, SEO|0 Comments

Updated Practices For Keyword Research In 2016

One thing that won’t change for Inbound Marketing is keywords, but what has changed is how you effectively research and come up with a strategy for the right keywords that will drive traffic.

Keyword research in it’s simplest form is looking at when users input words and phrases into a search engine and taking that data, then forming it into a strategy of keywords that your website could rank for.

Let’s have a look today at how to effectively keyword research in 2016!

Understanding your business and the relevant topics associated with it

How much do you know about your business? If you struggle to answer this question then maybe you need to take a step back and understand your business a bit better before delving into keyword research.

What are the most important topics for your business that you want most users to find you by? Create a list of these 10 keys areas, as these will form the basis for coming up with more specific keywords at a later point.

Understanding your audience (and/or any customers you may have had) is key to knowing what keywords should be targeted. For example if you are a company that sells shoes and a customer who has made a purchase started the journey to that purchase by inputting red trainers into the search engine. That is a keyword you should use.

Of course finding that information is not easy. You need an analytics tool that will trawl through all the search data. The best tool I can recommend to you is Google Analytics, it’s free, comprehensive and will give you all the information you need to find and fine-tune the keywords your audience is using.

Starting to flesh out the keywords

Now that you have got your list of the 10 key areas of your business, it is time to identify and narrow down keywords for each of those areas. For example if one of the key areas of your business is SEO, one keyword you might use is backlinks as it is relevant to the topic of SEO. Another example (long-tail) may be search engine optimisation services.

Come up with 3 keywords for each key area you listed. Doing this will give you a good start at 30 keywords, enabling you to increase as your SEO efforts expand in the future.

A good practice is to put yourself in the customers shoes, use the search engine as if you were looking to buy a product/service you sell. Look at the results that appear and see if there are any keywords you can put to use.

Looking at the competition

Similar to understanding the business you are in. It is paramount that you know who your competition is. Get a list together of your main competitors and research each of them individually, using the search engines to discover any keywords that may be ranking well for them and improving upon it yourself.

Another good idea is to look at keywords that the competition may not be fully behind. These represent a great chance to rank well for keywords that are not being utilised by your competitors.

Make use of related search

A good way to find inspiration is using google’s related search feature at the bottom of the SERP (search engine results page). This is a great way to find keywords you may not have found or realised could be put to use.

I would recommend this strategy only if you are really struggling to meet that 30 keyword target as the related searches are sometimes not that consistent nor contain useful phrases.

Finalise that strategy

Using these updated practices for keyword research in 2016 I have mentioned above, you should be close to having a strategy in place that can be carried out onto your website.

Of course that doesn’t mean keyword research is over once the website has been optimised, it is a constantly evolving process that requires you to be on the ball the whole time. Continue looking at the competition and expanding the keyword goal every couple of months to rank well for even more keywords and boosting your website in the search engine rankings.

For more information on keyword research, visit our dedicated page on PPC


Image courtesy of patpitchaya/

25 04, 2016

5 Killer SEO Methods For 2016

By |2019-01-30T21:20:51+00:00April 25th, 2016|SEO, Keywords|0 Comments

SEO is big business! Every company is doing it, but not everyone is doing it right. Over the years there have been many different tools, programs and platforms that make the process a whole lot easier to rank well based on many factors. SEO has changed so much from where it began, and still is today and will in the future as well.

What if I told you that programs alone won’t solve your SEO woes, but that different methods that even some experts don’t use achieve great optimisation.

Today I have got for you 5 killer SEO methods that work in 2016. These are sure to boost your rankings in the search engines for pages and posts…

Header Tags (H1, H2, H3 Etc.)

These should be used for all content on a website (pages and blog posts). Even the header above is an H2 tag. They should be used to break up text and highlight parts of content on the page, making it look more compelling whilst also having a big SEO benefit. If you use WordPress then you don’t need to worry about including a H1 title tag in the body of content, as it is created when you give the page or post a title.

Try to have a natural structure with header tags, using H2 tags for main titles, H3 tags for sub titles and so on. Be careful not to repeat loads of H2, H3 or H4 tags as that is a negative ranking practise that should be avoided and could damage the future SEO reputation of the website.

Density Of Keywords In Content

There is no right or wrong answer, but best practise is usually 2.5% or under (Yoast SEO) of the word count of the content. The bulk use of the keyword should be in the main content. It should also be used once in the first and last paragraphs of the copy. Not only does this make the topic clear to the reader straight away, it is also good for the search engine rankings.

It is also good practise to highlight key terms (bold, italic, underline) for improving readability and making it easy for the reader to understand what they are reading.

Meta Description

The meta description should be unique and relevant for each page/post and include the focus keyword in there. It should be a summary of that page or post, compelling users to click through if they have already been convinced by the meta title and need more information before deciding to click.

160 characters is the limit, go over and the description will be truncated which doesn’t look the best if your a potential user.

Interlinking (And External Linking)

If some pages don’t get enough traffic to them, it is a good idea to link to them from other, relevant content on the site. It can be a good way of sending traffic and page rank to content that readers don’t know is there. It may even lead them to make a purchase or sign up for a newsletter because of interlinking with other pages that compels them to take the desired action.

Linking to external sites is also beneficial if it is a relevant and trusted site to the content on the page. Make sure you don’t take the user away from your website completely, do it so the link opens in a new tab so your website stays open.

Content Is King

Google’s current top ranking factor is unique content… and lots of it! It goes without saying, if you don’t have compelling enough content, bounce-rates are going to be really high. To combat this, create engaging content that is based on target keywords. It’s really a good idea to pose questions to the readers and share opinions, so you can start a debate and create interest in your brand.

Pictures, info-graphics and videos in content also help to keep engagement up and benefit the website in the search engine rankings.

Take the time to build up strong, compelling content. Your readers will appreciate it and Google will love it as well.


On-page SEO can take quite a while to do effectively, but done well can provide enormous SEO benefits for your website. These killer methods are what Google currently loves and ranks well for. I have made sure you stay one step ahead of the game with the most current and powerful SEO methods that you can put to action today.

31 03, 2016

Best Keyword Research Tools

By |2019-01-30T21:20:51+00:00March 31st, 2016|Keyword Research, AdWords, Keywords, PPC, SEO|0 Comments

As I talked about in my last post, Google’s algorithms have changed a lot over the years, no more is it just about keywords, but content and how good/relevant it is. Begging the question, what value do keywords hold now?

It’s true keywords don’t hold as much clout as they used to, but they are still required to help your content to appear relevant, which is what Google loves at this moment in time.

A lot of different factors come into play when researching keywords than just looking at exact-match keywords. Bounce-rates, expected CTR (click through rate) and volume of searches are just some of the areas that warrant attention before going ahead with a keyword.

What hasn’t changed is including the right keywords in meta descriptions, constantly monitoring and making judgments on your rankings and researching your competitors to get a sense of how they are performing on similar keywords.

3 Of The Best Keyword Research Tools Around:







A great tool if you want thousands of results from a single search. WordStream gives you relative volume for each keyword, so you can see how many people are searching for that word and weigh up the pros and cons based on the data given. There are niche options and the ability to email all the keywords to you if required.

The only major problem with the WordStream tool is that relative volume is the only big metric that is analysable, which may not be enough for some users.

With WordStream you get 30 free searches with the keyword research tool, so there is no excuse to not give it a try. You may find it’s worth a great deal to your business.

Have a look:







A free to use tool which is really simple but really effective. Übersuggest allows you to enter a word and pick the source (web, images, shopping, YouTube and news) and location from drop-down menus, if you are looking for something a little more specific. The results are laid out in alphabetic order, making it clearer for the reader.

But because it’s free tool, you don’t get any specific metrics or measurements in volume which may require a different tool if that is what you are looking for. Despite that being it’s only flaw, it is definitely one of the best tools on the market, it’s quick, easy-to-use, you get a ton of results and best of all it’s free!

Here is the link:





There are different keyword research tools that Google offer. They bring something different to the table and best of all they are free.

Google Trends (above) shows the interest of certain topics over periods of time. Great if you need to see when certain keywords are in “fashion” so you can plan your campaigns accordingly. It can go more specific if needed, with trends in different countries and the ability to look at categories. For a free tool it is great for looking at current hot trends in the market which you could use to your benefit.

The second tool is Google’s Keyword Planner (below). For really in-depth analysis of search volumes, Keyword Planner is great for analysing your competitors for similar search queries to your own. It is mainly built with Google Adwords in mind, but that doesn’t stop it from being a great tool nonetheless.









There is a simple rule I think should be adhered to when it comes to researching keywords. Pick the words that have low competition and high volume of searches. Of course other factors help to come to a decision, but that simple sentence helps to put keyword research into perspective.

All round I feel I have picked a good mixture of the best keyword research tools available today, giving you a lot of options to find the right keywords for your meta tags, content, ads and many more.

What do you think are the best keyword research tools that are out there? Have you tried any of the tools I have mentioned above? What do you think? Have they been useful?

Leave a comment and let me know

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